Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Let There be Light

So, at the end of my last blog post, I simply asked that God show up and that he begin to mend my heart and soul and put me back together.

Oh man, did he ever show up!

It's so funny the way he chooses to show up. It's never how you expect it or would probably choose. One of my roadblocks is not believing I am love-able or worthy enough and the other is believing that he truly can care about little parts of my life especially when my sin is so great.

But man did he bust through that.

1st way:
My son's baseball team experienced some drama. (come on all my sports mommas out there, you are rolling your eyes, because you know!) The problem is that this drama seemed targeted. For some it went from normal drama to personal attacks. But then God showed up and he just opened my eyes and the eyes of the others on the team. We all saw it for what it was. Satan was attacking our families at every side.

I am telling you, everyone was experiencing drama that spoke to their greatest fears, weaknesses, and insecurities. That is not a coincidence. We were being torn apart. It worked for a couple of weeks. But it was like a veil was lifted and multiple moms were just coming out and saying they felt the enemy attacking us. (I have chills up and down my body right now)

God does care about the little things.

2nd way:
Me and one of the moms were talking about how we all have a past. Broken marriages, divorces, teenage pregnancy, gossiping, drugs. No one is immune. But Jesus, He is the answer and His blood frees us from our past.

This morning I was listening to a live version of Blessed Assurance,  there is a part that says this is my story and this is my song. It hit me like a ton of bricks. You would've thought that my air was blasting because I had chill bumps and something just washed over me. I experienced God.

This is my story. My sins, my past, my dysfunctional childhood. But these moms, my church, my family, my freedom. THAT is my story too. The one that Jesus wrote. Because through all of this baseball drama, I realize that not only is God writing a new chapter constantly, but he has redeemed us and He loves us no matter our mistakes.

I had a friend tell me yesterday, I am proud to call you my friend. She doesn't know what those words washed over me.
That one sentence spoke all of these words over me too:

I am redeemed by God.
I am love-able.
I am good enough.
I am beautiful.
I am His child.
He cares about every hair on our heads.
He is all powerful and all knowing.
He hold us and our future in his hands.
God cares about even the smallest problems. He used baseball drama to draw a group of people together in his name, claiming Jesus' blood and claiming that the devil must flee in his presence.

Only God could take bickering, lice, gossip, and animosity and reveal a battle of the spiritual realm and draw people to stand together in prayer and claiming  His name.

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